Comparing Vivians in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

Both the 2024 Japanese and English scripts remove Beldam’s major red-text insult and give Vivian additional dialogue. Instead of Beldam calling Vivian “a man,” Beldam says she isn’t a sister, a subtler insult reflecting the writers’ interest in having more tasteful treatment of the character even when portraying her villainous sister. Now Beldam tells Vivian, 「コラッ!ビビアン!!なに いってんだよ あんた!カゲ三人組だろ!三人組!!三姉妹じゃなく 三人組だって いつも いってるじゃないかい!」“Heeeey! Vivian! What’s that, you dope?! It’s the Shadow Trio! Shadow Trio!! I always tell you we’re not three sisters, we’re a trio!”

A crying Vivian gives an expanded, sadder version of her response from the original: 「ゴメンナサイ~ お姉さま… アタイも… ココロの中では 妹だから つい…」“Sorry, Big Sister… I said it by mistake since I’m also… a sister in my heart…” Vivian being a girl “in her heart” recurs in the 2024 Japanese script.

Beldam retains the same line from the original but it seems even more vicious: 「つい… じゃないよ!あとで きっちり オシオキしてやるからね!!」“By mistake… not! Later, you’ll be punished properly!!” As in the 2004 release, Vivian then falls to her equivalent of knees in sadness.

The 2024 English release resembles the revised scene in the Japanese script, losing the weaker dialogue about Vivian being ugly. When Vivian calls the Three Shadows the “Three Shadow Sisters,” Beldam shouts, “Vivian! You nincompoop! What are you babbling about? It’s just SHADOWS! The Three SHADOWS! ‘Sisters’ makes us sound less mysterious…and less scary! How many times must I remind you?!” This sentiment about the relative scariness of “sisters” is absent from the slightly more repetitious Japanese text.

The crying Vivian responds, “Aw, right, Sis. I’m sorry… It’s just, it makes me really happy when you call me your sister, so…” Instead of saying she is a sister inside her heart, Vivian leaves her transness subtler than in the Japanese script.

Then Beldam claims Vivian will be punished not for wanting to be a sister but for being “sappy”: “How insufferably sappy! Ooh, you’ve got some FIERCE punishment coming your way!”

Vivian falls to her equivalent of knees. To further rub it in, before the fight, Beldam declares, “The might of The Three Shadows—RELATION WITHHELD—will be more than enough to win the day!” There is no equivalent of “RELATION WITHHELD” in the corresponding Japanese text: 「われら カゲ三人組の チカラを たっぷりと 見せてやるわさっ!」“We shall display the might of the Shadow Trio!” Although カゲ三人組 is also a gender-neutral term, the English script emphasizes that Beldam avoids the term “sisters” to insult Vivian.