Basement Dwellers: Camel Cricket Gallery
Perhaps me being the sort of person who would be crouching in a dingy basement at 3:00 AM to excitedly photograph vermin has something to do with why I lack friends.
Perhaps me being the sort of person who would be crouching in a dingy basement at 3:00 AM to excitedly photograph vermin has something to do with why I lack friends.
How’s THAT for an essay title?! One part of my two-part series on YU-NO.
A lengthy review of YU-NO: A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of This World, the overrated eroge. One part of my two-part series on YU-NO.
Gun Data and subterfuge and WayForward oh my
What is Daiva Story? Where are the other installments?
Even the Ocean is the rare platformer with a narrative focus.
PALACE OF WOE dumps the player into an eerie, supernatural world with zero exposition or instruction.
And the people in the streets below
Were dancing round and round,
And guns and swords and uniforms
Were scattered on the ground.
I have many second thoughts about “Terra Enigma,” though not enough to take down the video (so far).