As we have seen, “LifeCut” is the key to unlocking the rest of The Silver Case. It hinges on a chain of revelations about the depth of depravity of the old men who run the 24 Wards. The player spends an extended period exploring the Triangle Towers, the shelters beneath the TTV Station Tower, learning about a project conducted in the 1980s using the budget apportioned to the International Environment Ministry to program children from the age of four with preset personalities.
After reading documents about the same project in “Face,” Sakura has also transformed into a savior Kamui figure rebelling against her Ayame programming. She explains to the player that ELBOW aimed “to assert absolute control over the 24 Wards” by eliminating the spirits of the young that might contain light to replace them with another: first Kamui and then, afterward, the TRO/CCO’s Ayame. These two series of bureaucratized child abuse are referred to as the Kamui Mass Production and Ayame Mass Production or, for short, Kamui Maspro and Ayame Maspro. In “HIKARI,” Uminosuke indicates there was at least one previous “Maspro” before this point using a different template personality.
When the syndicates need an operative, they can activate the programmed personality, apparently by revealing certain information—such as their “truths”—or harming the individual in certain ways. The term “death-filing” seems to refer to this process. It is not instantaneous. In The Silver Case, this seems to overwrite the original personality to varying degrees. Akira becomes Kamui without, apparently, losing his hair or identity, whereas Chizuru goes bald and only retains enough of the person she was to allow another Ayame Maspro victim to shoot her. This is why Enzawa calls Tokio “dumb” for not realizing he met Kamui—that is, Akira—at the Babylon Shopping Center and why he sends Akira a mocking email that he and Tokio are the same person. The Kamui or Ayame personality also seems to give the Shelter Kid certain magical abilities beyond the power to efficiently kill, such as Tokio’s power to speak to the dead.

The lowest-level truth in “Decoyman,” as shared by the deceitful Nakategawa, treats the Shelter Kids Policy as an educational experiment of little interest. The higher but still incomplete “truth” in “LifeCut” holds that the FSO used the Shelter Kids policy as a cover for the Kamui Maspro, and the TRO/CCO responded by carrying out a second Shelter Kids policy using the same personnel to create the Ayame Maspro so that they could have an “Ayame stock” to counteract the “Kamui stock.” However, at a higher level of “facts” concealed even from most members of the TRO/CCO and FSO, the operations are all part of a larger group called “ELBOW,” defined in Flower, Sun, and Rain as an international pan-secret society and the “Summit of Advanced Nations.” The scientific transformation of humans into mindless machines is not the point for ELBOW but only a side benefit. As the player reads in “LifeCut,” the genuine goal is the induction of “silver ocularization,” the manufacture of silver eyes that will let the reigning old men perpetuate their dominance forever.
The Kamui and Ayame Maspro are the original sin of the entire series. While I have mentioned some of this in the previous video, to understand The Silver Case and the sequels, it is necessary to understand the nature of their atrocity. The Shelter Kids Policy is the “curse” that drives Kamui/Ayame to revenge and criminality and the “past” that must be killed. It is the justification for the terrorism and assassination—this is why Fujiwara is so angry!