Harman has some Kamui commonalities. He is an immortal assassin that originated with a single historical man, Harman Deltahead, and the delta of ideologies that branch from these headwaters become multiple different, contradictory Harman Smiths who continue to exist simultaneously even after Deltahead’s death. Somewhat similar to Tokio, Harman can also absorb remnant psyches. However, “God-Killer” Harman is not the Kamui equivalent. On the contrary, he is the controlling old man.

The player does not normally control Garcian because of his relatively limited offensive capabilities. The other Killer7 can only destroy, but Garcian, the “cleaner,” has a healing role, distinctly unlike the cleaners in The 25th Ward, who only dispose of the police’s victims. The player utilizes Garcian to retrieve and revive fallen teammates. He is largely nonviolent. The rest of the group kills Heaven Smiles and the human targets, while Johnny Gagnon reports Garcian “never eliminates people himself.” In Hand in killer7, Suda claims that “Garcian is a sweet man who would not hurt a fly.”

However, he is still primary. Although he and Harman supposedly share the same body, Garcian is the only member of the Killer7 ever seen directly interacting with him as a distinct person. For this reason, it initially seems that Garcian’s body serves as the basis Harman uses to physically manifest the remnant psyches of the Killer7. Johnny Gagnon claims Garcian “manages the other 6 personas,” but what this means is not entirely clear. The ending of “Smile” implies that only Garcian and Harman exist, with Garcian imagining the other six as dissociative identities, but this contradicts the rest of the story. In opposition to his self-conception, Garcian, echoing Akira and Tokio, is, in fact, the ruthless assassin Emir Parkreiner.
The alternate universe American counterpart to the Silver Case is the Smith Syndicate Incident, in which the Second Smith Syndicate, also called the Killer7, was temporarily wiped out. The killer is Emir Parkreiner, and he actually is the killer, unlike Uehara. Similar to the Silver Case, various contradictory narratives about the incident circulate. The FBI agent known as Jaco describes it in Report #20: “The ‘Smith Syndicate Incident’ is legendary, now. There are plenty of fictionalized accounts of it. And, as time has passed, we are now unsure exactly what is fact and what is fiction. By this point, even those who were there when it happened probably feel the same way.” This description also applies to the Silver Case.
“The History of Killer7” dates the Smith Syndicate Incident to 1990, identifying the assassin as “an unknown woman” who singlehandedly destroyed the Killer7 in “a first-class resort hotel” in “southern France.” Jaco considers it obvious that the assassin is actually Emir. However, “The History of Killer7” also records an incident in 1955 in which “a serial murderer” killed the Union 7 at the Union Hotel and claims this is when Emir died. But this is impossible because at least one member of the Union 7 remains alive in 2010. And in stark contrast, “Smile” clearly depicts Emir eliminating the Smith Syndicate in the Union Hotel in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, presumably in 1981 (it is 2011, and Mills says the incident happened thirty years ago).